How I got into Wood Flowers! My story.


Many of you have probably asked what are wood flowers?

Well I am here to tell you I too was once was like “Whatttttt wood flowers? Hmmmmm not so sure about that.”

So here is a little back story on how I discovered these everlasting flowers.

I personally discovered wood flowers back in either 2014 or 2015 when I lived near Ogden Utah! There was a small (at the time) company called Eco Flower that I had seen while driving to tractor supply. It was just a small building but man did it intrigue me. I remember going home and looking it up and seeing just basic wood flowers attached to bamboo skewers and was like well dangggg this is neat. I made a few purchases and really thought it was a cool idea.
Flowers that never die?
Yupp that works for this girl here who kills flowers / plants like it's her job haha.

Fast forward to 2016 and Eco Flower actually went onto a popular show called Shark Tank. I remember watching it going “oh boy this is going to blossom” (all the pun intended). From that time on I got very interested in the flowers. I already had a little crafty side hustle. So I knew I would want to dive in eventually. Eventually Eco Flower came to an end and the original owner started a new wood flower business that I would also shop from. I just kept working my 9-5 and just had my little crafty side hustle to help us pay for fertility treatments. I put the flowers on the back burner and only made things for myself never really fully thinking I would add them to what I was already doing.

Well life ended up flipping upside down because you know... life will do that to yah sometimes haha. Then we made the big move from Utah to Georgia for my husband's work. By that time my back had gotten so bad it was really hard to find a job I could do with all my new limitations. Not only do I have a bad back, I also have a lot of autoimmune diseases. I decided it was time to make my little side hustle crafty business full time and add the flowers to the line up. Time to really play with the flowers I had grown to love so much. Time to really just work for myself so when I needed to take a day off because I just didn’t feel good I could. So in 2018 I started my business. I was doing mostly home decor and took on a couple wedding orders to help out some of my favorite customers. I was honestly a little scared to dive into the wedding world. It can be very well……… intimidating. Fast forward to now. Now I do mainly weddings!

I couldn’t be happier to create one of a kind pieces for people that they get to cherish forever. It has been extremely exciting for me and I can’t wait to see what the future for Miles of Designs holds. It all began with me ordering predyed flowers on bamboo skewers hahahaha. Now I can even make my own flowers from the wood sheets!

I am so glad you are here and can be a part of this journey! Where we are always growing and learning!

Make sure to check out my next blog post about what wood flowers are and how they are made!

Signing off for now!
-Victoria Owner of Miles of Designs


All photos in this blog post are provided by the amazing Moments in Time Photography by Melody LLC.


So what are Wood Flowers?